Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Wait for Me with Joy!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on November 19, 2023

I am at the gates of this world: the time will not pass that you will see Me!
Hear My children, hear ....
oh you who offer Me your contribution, but do not keep your promised commitments,
verily know that: ... "I Am," sees and reads in your heart: nothing can be hidden from God! Take cover now, before evening descends darkly; do not turn your back on your God.... time is so short!!!
Beloved Children...
oh you who delight Me with your faithful "yes," verily I say to you,
you are about to be taken from Above, you are about to know and delight in true life in Me. You are going to be keepers of the Temple, you are going to be Angels in the blue sky, you are going to delight in My Presence, you are going to prostrate yourselves to Me and you are going to hymn new songs of love to Me. I want to make you happy in Me, My Children; My World is in immense joy and infinite love. Bathed in My Precious Blood I will regenerate you in Me and delight you in Me, I am Father, Mother, Brother and sincere Friend, I am your only Good, I am the Absolute, the Eternal Love.
My children:
wait for Me with joy! Soon your faces will change their appearance, they will light up with Me and your heart will vibrate with immense joy. Earn eternal life O men: do not disappoint your God Love: ... do not lie; do not accompany the Devil !!!
My Sacred Heart bleeds:
still I suffer betrayals from My Children, ... you are imbued with conceit and wickedness. You want to manage the lives of others in your favor ...
Ah, My Children!
you do not imagine the pain you bring to My Sacred Heart and the pain that will come upon you. Tremble O men, tremble!
My wrath will be great!
Lift up, O gates, your frontals, lift up ancient gates: the King of glory must enter. I Am!
Source: ➥